Narrow Framed Prints


My tall or (long) and narrow paintings are available for purchase as framed prints. The frame sizes are (approximately) 7" x 14" for $25 or 9.5" x 18.5" for $35. The images are printed using an Epson Stylus Photo R280 printer with genuine Epson ink on Epson heavyweight matte paper. Below are the paintings that are available as narrow framed  prints. 

You may also click on the individual paintings to see larger images, and other items available with each image.


7" x 14" - $25

9.5" x 18.5" - $35


7" x 14" - $25

9.5" x 18.5" - $35


7" x 14" - $25

9.5" x 18.5" - $35


7" x 14" - $25 

 9.5" x 18.5" - $35


7" x 14" - $25

9.5" x 18.5" - $35


7" x 14" - $25

9.5" x 18.5" - $35


7" x 14" - $25

9.5" x 18.5" - $35

7" x 14" - $25

 9.5" x 18.5" - $35

7" x 14" - $25
9.5" x 18.5" - $35